The purpose of the Children’s Ministry at Mercy Presbyterian is to grow these precious souls in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel. We strive to teach the children of our church to be active and joyful participants in worship, and we invite families to involve children in the worship service as much as possible. Children’s bulletins with coloring activities are available weekly at the entrance of the sanctuary.
Babies + Toddlers
Nursery is available Sunday mornings during the 10 am service for babies.
Toddler Sunday School is available for children ages 18 months to 3 years during the 10am service in Room 130. In this class, toddlers learn the gospel narrative throughout Scripture with Bible stories, catechism, and songs.
Children’s Church
Ages 4 – 2nd Grades
During the sermon portion of the worship service, children are dismissed from the service and learn catechisms, creeds, hymns, and sermon-based Bible lessons.
Elementary Sunday School
3rd – 5th Grades
Meets in Room 120 on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 9am. Students delve more deeply into the truths of the Gospel using the New City Catechism.