The Women’s Ministry at Mercy connects women for friendship, mentorship, and discipleship as we seek to bring glory to God through our lives. Please join us this coming year as we seek to know the Lord through His Word and by enjoying fellowship together! Contact Joanna at women@mercydallas.com for more information.
Women's Retreat 2025
Friday evening, January 31, and Saturday, February 1, at MercyWe can’t wait for you to join us for the Mercy Women’s Retreat from January 31st to February 1st. We’ll kick off Friday evening at 6pm with dinner and fellowship. On Saturday, breakfast will be served at 9am and we will hear words of encouragement from our very own Andrea Thomason! We are excited to spend this time together and hope you can make it! Note: This will not be an overnight event.
The cost of the retreat is $75. We do not want cost to prevent anyone from joining. If you need financial assistance or are willing to contribute to the scholarship fund, please check the appropriate box during registration, and Joanna will reach out to you directly.

Women's Bible Study
Wednesdays, February 5- April 2, 2025, at the churchMercy Women’s Ministry invites you to join us for a book study this spring, beginning February 5th! We will read “Honest Evangelism” by Rico Tice and we will meet at the church.
Join us for one of the following times:
- Wednesday mornings, 9:30-11am (childcare provided)
- Wednesday evenings, 7:30-8:45pm
This 8-week study begins February 5th and will conclude the week of April 2nd. We will not meet the week of Spring Break (March 12th). We’re excited to get together to study and fellowship!